Books by Jamaica Kincaid (14)


A Small Place by Jamaica Kincaid EN

Rating: 4 (15 votes)
Lyrical, sardonic, and forthright by turns, this memoir is a brilliant look at colonialism and its effects in Antigua, by the author of "Annie John."


Am Grunde des Flusses by Jamaica Kincaid DE

Rating: 2 (1 vote)
Nicht wie geschrieben, sondern wie mit Sprache gemalt wirken Jamaica Kincaids Erzählungen, in denen sie Bilder und Stimmungen ihrer Kindheit auf der karibischen Insel Antigua heraufbeschwört. Mit eigenwilligem Strich malt sie die äußere Welt, die Blumen, die Tiere, das Meer, und die innere, die Ängste und Sehnsüchte des heranwachsenden Mädchens, das mit der Wucht seiner Gefühle ringt, mit der Übermacht der Mutter, mit dem Auseinanderklaffen von Phantasie, Traum und Wirklichkeit. Und niemand hätte Jamaica Kincaids Sprache in der deutschen Übersetzung so gerecht werden können wie die große Dicht... continue


Among Flowers : A Walk in the Himalaya by Jamaica Kincaid EN

0 Ratings
In this delightful hybrid of a book—part memoir and part travel journal—the bestselling author takes us deep into the mountains of Nepal with a trio of botanist friends in search of native Himalayan plants that will grow in her Vermont garden. Alighting from a plane in the dramatic Annapurna Valley, the ominous signs of Nepal's Maoist guerrillas are all around—an alarming presence that accompanies the travelers throughout their trek. Undaunted, the group sets off into the mountains with Sherpas and bearers, entering an exotic world of spectacular landscapes, vertiginous slopes, isolated villag... continue


Annie John by Jamaica Kincaid EN

Rating: 4 (12 votes)
An adored only child, Annie has until recently lived a peaceful and content life. She is inseparable from her beautiful mother, a powerful and influential presence, who sits at the very centre of the little girl's existence. Loved and cherished, Annie grows and thrives within her mother's shadow. When she turns twelve, however, Annie's life changes, in ways that are often mysterious to her. She begins to question the cultural assumptions of her island world; at school she makes rebellious friends and frequently challenges authority; and most frighteningly, her mother, seeing Annie as a 'young ... continue


At the Bottom of the River by Jamaica Kincaid EN

Rating: 3 (2 votes)
At the Bottom of the River is Jamaica Kincaid's first published work, a selection of inter-connected prose poems told from the perspective of a young Afro-Caribbean girl. Collecting pieces written for the New Yorker and the Paris Review between 1978 and 1982, including the seminal 'Girl', these stunning works announced a fully-formed, generational talent and firmly established the themes that Kincaid would continue to return to in her later work: the loss of childhood, the fractious nature of mother-daughter relationships, the intangible beauty of the natural world, and the s... continue


Autobiografía de mi madre by Jamaica Kincaid ES

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
El nacimiento de Xuela coincidió con la muerte de su madre. Su padre, carcelero de fondo y de forma, le abandona siendo un bebé entregándola a una lavandera. Xuela crece y decide no tener hijos; decide incluso no formar parte de ninguna de las experiencias vitales asumidas por el resto de las personas.


Lucy : A Novel by Jamaica Kincaid EN

Rating: 1 (1 vote)
Lucy, a teenage girl from the West Indies, comes to America to work as an au pair for a wealthy couple. She begins to notice cracks in their beautiful façade at the same time that the mysteries of own sexuality begin to unravel. Jamaica Kincaid has created a startling new heroine who is destined to win a place of honor in contemporary fiction.


Mon frère by Jamaica Kincaid FR

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Jamaica Kincaid raconte la disparition de son frère, mort du sida à l'âge de trente-trois ans, à Antigua, une petite lie des Antilles. Avec délicatesse, avec précision, parfois avec une brutalité inouïe, elle décrit ce qu'elle voit, ce qu'elle ressent. Elle s'efforce de comprendre pourquoi cet événement l'oblige à repenser toute sa vie, et avec elle celle de sa famille. " Pour moi, dit-elle, l'écriture n'est pas un moyen de se projeter dans la sphère publique, mais simplement une façon d'être. C'est un processus toujours très douloureux, mais je l'accepte comme une réalité qui ne doit pas être... continue


Mr. Potter by Jamaica Kincaid EN

0 Ratings
In this luminous, bewitching new novel Jamaica Kincaid tells the story of an ordinary man, his century, and his home. The island of Antigua comes vibrantly to life under the gaze of Mr Potter, an illiterate taxi chauffer who makes his living driving a navy blue Hillman along the wide-open roads that pass the only towns he has ever seen and the graveyard where he will be buried. The sun shines squarely overhead, the ocean lies on every side and suppressed passion fills the air. Kincaid conjures up a moving picture of Mr Potter's youth - beginning with memories of his father, a poor fisherman, a... continue


My Brother by Jamaica Kincaid EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Kincaid's poetic and often shockingly frank account of Devon's life is also the story of their family on the island of Antigua.


See Now Then : A Novel by Jamaica Kincaid EN

0 Ratings
In a haunting novel about marriage and family, a mother and father and their two children, living in a small village in New England, move, in their own minds, between the present, the past and the future.


The Autobiography of My Mother by Jamaica Kincaid EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
After growing up without a mother, Xuela Claudette Richardson again finds herself imagining what the woman might have been like and how her own life might have turned out different had her mother not died.


Voyons voir by Jamaica Kincaid FR

0 Ratings
Traduit de l'anglais (États-Unis) par Jacqueline Huet et Jean-Pierre Carasso. " Voyons voir où en étaient alors Mrs. Sweet et Mr. Sweet : la voix de son épouse irritait Mr. Sweet, surtout sa sonorité; ce n'était pas une soprano, c'était sa femme, aussi banale qu'un poisson ou une viande ou des légumes dans son assiette pour le dîner, ou que le facteur qui apportait les factures de l'eau, du gaz, de l'électricité, du téléphone et du fuel. " Mr. Sweet quitte Mrs. Sweet. Dans un même élan de rage, tous deux entreprennent l'autopsie de leur mariage : failles, trahisons, détails insupportables du q... continue